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Driving and Parking Information

photo of hands on steering wheel

Parking passes are no longer available for the 23-24 school year. 

If you are a Junior (11th grader) or Senior (12th grader) at Park Hill High School and anticipate driving to and from school, you are required to have a PHHS student parking permit on your vehicle. The cost of a student parking permit is $30 per school year.

1. FIRST, ensure you have no outstanding fines and pay $30 for the parking pass that has been billed to your Infinite Campus online account

2. You must Provide these items: Drivers license, Registration for your vehicle (current), Proof of insurance for your vehicle (current), Proof of payment of parking permit

There will be no refunds once you pay for the pass and receive your sticker. 

Bring these items to the activity window before school, during homeroom or after school. 

 3. FINALLY, you will place your parking pass sticker on your vehicle in the lower corner of the passenger inside window.

NOTE:  You are only allowed one pass per student.  The vehicle with the sticker should be the vehicle you will be driving to school on a day-to-day basis. 

If you have questions, please come to the Activities window in the 20’s hallway, just east of the standing Trojan. 

Parking lot D: The first 5 parking spots in parking lot D closest to Barry Road are STAFF PARKING ONLY. If a student parks in any of those spots they will get a ticket.



Lorrie Kopp
Administrative Assistant